Thanks to everyone who called in! Over 100 QSOs on a beautiful day at Wardenclyffe! Apologies to the folks we didn't hear in pileups.
N3Y reported more than 60 QSOs via HF and 6 via satellite. Data still coming in from Colorado Springs!
Working on QSO Cards.

The stations in Colorado Springs will be: W0RAA, W0EM, WV7T, KG7UFO, W0PRS, W0RO, and KC0ELG.

Wardenclyffe restoration effort and the amateur radio event were covered in
Chip Design Magazine

Colorado Springs home of Tesla's lab that served as a prototype for Wardenclyffe will be on the air! We hope they'll be
special event station W0T. Stay tuned for updates.

November 5th is also the 66th anniversary of the first FM transmission in 1935 from Yonkers, NY, by Carmen "Randy" Runyon W2XAG.
Yonkers PAL Amateur Radio Club will be transmitting a few blocks away from the original station using the same call

Just In! The N3Y QSL card that will be sent to all contacts from the New Yorker! Designed by K1NSS of

W3T headquarters are ready to go.

10/28/2011 Scoped out the New Yorker Hotel N3Y QTH on Friday! Took a tour of the
sub-basement and saw all the
awesome Tesla era tech!

Very cool QSL card for W3T designed by Jeff
Murray K1NSS of

QSL card for YU0TESLA